Why You Should Never Fly Aero Dili, the Airline That Gives You Food Poisoning and Leaks Your Personal Data!

In September 2023, I took a flight on the newly established flag carrier of Timor-Leste from Denpasar, Bali to Dili, the capital of East Timor. To put it mildly, the flight was quite underwhelming. The airline staff seemed to be poorly trained and struggled to check me in since they weren’t familiar with any regulations.

The fact that the station manager was an hour late didn’t help either. The onboard experience wasn’t any better and plenty of passengers ended up with severe food poisoning since the airline served contaminated food. But feel free to watch the full video.

In response to my review, the airline decided to take revenge by posting my passport on their Facebook page breaching all sorts of data protection laws. Not only putting my safety at risk at doing so but this once more showcases the unprofessionalism of the flag carrier.

On top of that, Jojo Neves Oliveira, Pilot of the airline, publicly abused me, threatening to post my personal data as well. Shocking behaviour!

You should think twice before flying with Aero Dili. If you are looking to fly to Dili or Timor, fly with Citilink instead. I took a few flights on them before and it was always a pleasant experience.

Aero Dili is scheduled to start flights to Singapore on February 24. If you don’t want your personal data or credit card details leaked, you should not book a flight with them since they seem to have done this to other passengers as well.

Here is the whole video of the entire case for you to watch.

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About the Author

Josh Cahill is an award-winning Aviation YouTuber who is reportedly one of the most-watched flight reviewers on the internet. He organised Afghanistan’s first all-female flight together with Kam Air in February 2021 on a flight from Herat to Kabul for which he received the Aviation Achievement Award. His favourite hobby? Flying exotic airlines nobody has ever heard of.

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